Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Eat Dark Chocolate Healthy

Dark chocolate is a healthy food if it is eaten with care and modesty. Let’s learn its health benefits and the appropriate daily intake amount.

The appropriate daily intake amount

In general speaking, 20 grams high-cocoa-content dark chocolate per day is recommended. Usually a bar of chocolate is 100 grams. So, all you need daily is one-fifth of a bar. As dark chocolate is delicious, resist the temptation and do not overeat.

Health benefits of eating dark chocolate

Successive consumption for two weeks, stress hormones such as cortical will decrease. High-cocoa-content of chocolate has a lot of antioxidants that are good to the blood vessel, lowering the blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Healthy measures to eat dark chocolate

1)    Consult doctor

Ask your doctor whether it is appropriate to add 20 grams high-cocoa-content dark chocolate in your daily diet. The intake is supposed to boost your health, not to endanger it. According to your physical condition and the possibility of side-effect that may be hazardous to your health, you may be required to forsake dark chocolate or adjust the amount of daily intake.

Once you figure out the maximum quota per day from your doctor, follow it strictly.

2)    Exercise self-discipline

Exercise self-discipline lest we overeat and exceed the safety limit. Always back up your self-discipline with a good reasoning or reminder – you eat dark chocolate to maximize its health benefits.

3)    Handle purchases wisely

Do not overstock. Buy one bar at a time. Sometimes, people can’t help buying more when big discount is available. If so, hide your stock and introduce the availability bar by bar according to the intake schedule. For example, a 100 grams bar for every five days.

4)    Divide and store well

To prevent yourself eating the whole bar of dark chocolate at a time, it is wise to divide the 100 grams bar into five portions and store them separately. Get one portion for each day and tell yourself that portion is the only amount left, no more is available.

5)    Switch brands

If you find a brand particularly delicious and you can’t resist the temptation of overeating, it is better to forsake your favorite brand and switch to a less tasty one unless you learned to be more restricted.

6)    Apply flexibility

Seldom eating dark chocolate is a must for people. Adopt flexibility and skip a portion for a day if you have already eaten something equivalent, for example, dark chocolate cake.

Dark chocolate is so delicious that many people find themselves over-addictive to it easily. If we want to get its health benefits, we must eat dark chocolate modestly. Never risk your health by overeating.

Author’s note:

Many foods and drinks require our modest intake so that our diet can remain healthy to our body. While you are taking every caution for dark chocolate, I highly recommend that you examine the following aspects as well.

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